Thursday, April 23, 2009–Caribbean Sea

Hello! Well, we anchored once again on Tuesday evening. We have found ourselves a secluded little Island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea called Providence Island/Santa Catalina. It is governed by Columbia but is a very safe and friendly Island. It is just a little jewel that apparently not many people know of with [...]

Hello from Grand Cayman! – April 18, 2009

Hello all.  Sorry for the delay in updating but we have not been able to get onto the internet for some reason….and it has taken us quite a while to even find an internet cafe in Grand Cayman!
Anyway, we arrived here late Thursday night.  We checked into Customs the next morning, only to learn we [...]

Change of Plans – Wednesday, April 15th

Here we are cruising the Yucatan Channel, on our way to Grand Caymen.  Yes, we have decided not to go to Belize due to the rough seas going that way…..and because we can!  After sailing the coast of Cuba all day Monday we set out to cross the Gulf Stream to Belize… was very rough [...]

Key West to Cuba-April 12 &13

Well, we set sail again after Easter Breakfast on Sunday morning. Dan, Mollie and the kids drove to Key West to see us off again (and to bring us some parts…talk about service!!). We managed a little Easter Hunt on the boat for the kids before we took off.
We had a calm sail this time thru [...]

Holding on to the Keys…..April 10, 2009

A quick note to let you know we are all safe and sound in Key West.  Not our plan, but as we set sail yesterday afternoon we headed for the Gulf.  We ran into some trouble with our Auto Pilot and few other minor things last night and decided it best to get parts while [...]

Finally Setting Sail…April 9, 2009

We finally set sail today at 1:30pm.  What a mix of emotions! Excitement, Fear, Love, Harmony and Shock!….you name it, we are feeling it! Mike captained us out of the canal.  Everyone along the canal was waving and wishing us well as we sailed out to the ocean. I think we may be somewhat famous here in the [...]

Wilson come home! 4-7-09

Today we found Wilson floating down the canal!  Apparently he is upset with the delay in our departure and decided to jump ship and travel without us.  Luckily Dan saw him floating all alone in the canal and Mike was able to save him.  He is back on board and happy again.
We are in final [...]

April 6, 2009 – Bon Voyage Party

What a week!  We enjoyed Family & Friends all week. What a fun party time we had.  Friday night we had a BBQ for 50 people and celebrated the many birthdays of March and April.  Happy Birthday today to Esther Dawson and Gary!!
Saturday some of us snorkeled and went diving while the others took up most of [...]

March 22, 2009

We arrived in Key Largo, Florida on Thursday, March 5th after a 6 1/2 day sail from St. Thomas.  It was quite adventurous!  We had some rough seas along the way but Shellette handled beautifully, as did the crew!  The five of us; Marnie, Mike, Gary, Dan and Troy, all worked 3 hour shifts around [...]

February 24, 2009

Just a little update for you.  We haven’t updated the website yet but wanted to give you an update.  Mike and I arrived in Tortoal on Friady evening.  We have been working hard on the boat and are physically sore….but emotionally fantastic.  I received word on Saturday that my car is, in fact sold….at first, [...]