Paralyzed in Paradise by Gary Dawson

We departed Panama, finally! We expect to arrive Gallapagos by Sunday(ish). Mostly calm seas await us on this sail, not much wind so we are motoring a good portion of the way. Read on for Gary’s latest column. ….
Paralyzed in Paradise by Gary Dawson
Paralysis is not being able to move. Could be [...]

Panama City – by Mike Dawson

So…here we still sit in Panama City…we have been stuck here because our Agent sucks.
We are hoping to take off for Galapagos tomorrow, Monday morning….stay tuned.
Mike has written his story of his time in Panama below. Enjoy:
Saturday Mornings
Some people take Saturday mornings to sleep in, wake up with a loved one, have a cup [...]

Panama Update – May 12, 2009

Hello Everyone! What an experience transiting the Panama Canal!
There are actually two parts to the process. Travel three locks up to Gatun Lake the first night….then sleep on the lake. The next morning on to the next three locks, down to the Pacific Ocean. Gary steered us thru the first three [...]

Panama Canal Transit, May 7 & 8, 2009 – by Gary Dawson

Some of you know that Gary has been writing a small column in the Charlevoix, MI newspaper each week about our sailing adventures. I am going to post his article about our transit thru the Canal to give you a little history of our adventure, below:
The Panama Canal
Well how about a little history lesson [...]

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Mothers in our lives!

Mike, Gary and Ben lost when rolling dice last night so they are cooking breakfast and have to clean up…. (Happy Mother’s Day to me too-Ha)

Hello Pacific Ocean!!!! May 9, 2009

First: Congratulations to my niece, Kelsey McConaghy on her First Holy Communion today!
Just a quick update to let you know we made our transit thru the canal!!!! What an experience. We finsihed around 1pm on Friday afternoon. We heard several of you were able to see us go thru the last of the [...]

We will be making our transit thru the Canal today at 5pm – Thursday, May 7, 2007

Bienvinedos Al Canal de Panama (Welcome to The Panama Canal), May 7, 2009

First things first….Happy Birthday Tommy Love! (I’m thinking of you!)
So here we are at the Marina in Colon. Boy is it HOT! We have been told we will begin making our transit through the Canal tomorrow late afternoon 5pm ish. Panama is CST(central standard time). We will begin by picking up our pilot [...]

We’ve arrived in Panama – May 2, 2009

Hello all. Just a quick update to let you know we arrive in Panama this morning at 5am. It was a tougher trip than we expected as the seas were higher (8′-12′) than anticpated by the weather report. High winds (15-20kts.) made our trip a few hours quicker, which was good for Mike [...]

Old Providence Island, Columbia (Providencia)-April 30, 2009

Hola! We have been here in Providencia for more than a week now waiting for the seas to subside. What a great place to be stuck. As I mentioned before, this island is small and unique. There is no commercialization here…only the beauty of the island and a simple way of [...]