Wellington – by Gary Dawson
New Zealand Wellington
Wellington is an awesome city. It is most definitely my favorite in North New Zealand. It is a very young city in relation to the people. I’d swear that 80% of the people I see walking or in restaurants are 20-35. It also has a very positive energy. People are alive and there is a lot to do. The three of us even went bowling and after Wii bowling for the last year on the boat we did pretty badly. We all had a hard time trying to get over a hundred.
The city is built around a large bay off the ocean with a board walk that goes all around the city part of the bay (2 miles). It is actively used by the residents for walking, running and biking. As a matter of fact this morning as I was drinking coffee in the cockpit I saw a fishing boat that pulled up to the board walk and was selling fresh fish right off the boat. It is also an outdoor café kind of place. Every restaurant has tables outside. It reminds me of a mini Paris, but on the water and the people are a lot nicer. The only down fall is that it is cold and windy most of the year. It is now summer and in the morning the temperature is 58 and may warm up to 72. The water temperature is 54 so don’t fall in.
Mike and Marnie left today to do a 2 week car trip of the south island. Before they left Mike and I took our first kite sailing lesson. That’s were you have this big parachute/kite roughly 100 sq. ft and a board strapped to your feet that is 2’x 4’ and you sail across the water. I am going to continue with the lessons while they are gone so I will keep you updated on my progress.
Over the next 3 weeks the city is having an arts festival. This is primarily centered around a lot of world wide artists in the area of music and theater with something going on every day. So I am looking forward to going to some performances.
Any ways all is very well and:
The Adventure Continues