Rarotonga – by Gary Dawson


Rarotonga is our first stop in the Cook Islands and they speak English. They are closely affiliated with New Zealand with a population of 12,000. So it is a pretty busy Island, they  even have a movie theater, the old fashion big screen kind and of course we went, but as usual I do not remember the movie name. (It was good)


The main reason for stopping here was to pick up Amanda Leese the captain of my boat in Michigan. She will be staying with us for a couple of weeks and h elping out with some of the passages between Islands.


So the first thing we did after Amanda’s arrival was to take a public transportation bus around the Island. Then we decided to take a hike through the jungle across the Island. The trail we took suggested that we should use a guide. But being the explorers that we are we did not heed the warning. Hey, how could you get lost it is only an Island. So it was to be a 3 hour hike. Now as far as calling it a trail!!! Maybe a path at best and not well traveled. So we made it about half way and then seemed to have lost the trail. So for 1 hour we hiked up and down a steep hill looking for the damn trail and we never did find it. So we retraced our steps, found the trail we took in and went back out the same way. It was interesting and a very good work out. (You always have to look at the positive side)


We are now on our way to Niue, which is a Island 600 mile s west of Rarotonga. So we will be at sea for 4 days. Hopefully it will be a peaceful trip and no night from hell… This will be Amanda’s first open sea passage, so I will let you know how she does.


So the adventure continues.


Love Gary



1 comment to Rarotonga – by Gary Dawson

  • Karlyn Eckman

    Hey Cap’n Gary! Your Minnesota crew (Mary Jo, Jennie, Mary and me) has been following your journey with envy and great interest. I’m reading about your Polynesian tattoo up here in Duluth, which already has about three inches of fresh snow. What I’d give to chuck it all and join the Great Adventure. We still talk about meeting up with you in the Greek Islands.

    Be safe, have fun and enjoy the ride. Love and good wishes,
    p.s. I still do the yoga routine every day that you taught me on the Mauna Loa.

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