Safe from the Tsunami – Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We are safe!!! As many of you heard there was a Tsunami yesterday in the South Pacific. It was 1,000 miles north of us. By the time it arrived here yesterday morning at 11am local time it was so small you couldn’t tell it hit. We are on a very small island called Maupiti (4.5 miles around) but surrounded by a large reef the entire way so we were very protected. Gary was on land taking a walk and Mike and I were on the boat when we heard sirens going off and announcements in French (that we couldn’t understand). These are not things you usually hear happening on an island so we knew something was wrong. The radio stared buzzing and all the reports started coming in about the Tsunami and when it was to hit here. We knew we were potected but we were prepared. Good thing because Mike refused to leave his boat anyway!!!!
Just wanted to put a note out there to let you all know we are safe and sound. The current plan is to leave Maupiti on Saturday after some weather passes and then head to Cook Islands, 500 miles away. (Good thing we weren’t there yet when the Tsunami hit….they made all the boats leave so they didn’t smash up against the island as it is not a protected island—-good timing on our part!
Life is Good, Love to all….Marnie

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