Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Pacific has proved to be our friend and remains relatively calm for us, as many told us it would be. Here we are 4500nm into our circumnavigation of the globe and the worst seas we have ever been in, by far, were in the U.S…..that darn Gulf Stream.
So we have sailed about 1400 nautical miles since we’ve left the Galapagos Islands. We have about 1800 more to go until Marqueses. We are still on track in keeping with sailing at least 150nm per day, which is good. This is our third straight day of using only the wind to sail, no motoring.
We’ve made a ritual of all watching the sunset each night around 5:30pm ish each day. I like to applaud at the end for a job well done! It doesn’t get any better than being in the middle of the ocean to watch a South Pacific sunset…(pics to follow when we land.) The sun rises 12 hours later. Since we are so close to the equator we get exactly 12 hours each of day and night. I don’t know if there is anything to it yet, but I believe we get more moon here near the equator. It just seems the full moon doesn’t end…which is good. I personally like to see at night when we sail. (Call me crazy.)
The other day we had a bolt snap on the main sail traveler. This is not a particularly good thing to happen, but one of those things that happen on a boat. It turned out to be a relatively easy fix for Mike. He is McIver when it comes to improvising and making your own tools for such a job. All is mended now and working just fine. We’ve been waiting to see some whales out here and finally Mike saw one yesterday, right along side the boat. He was just checking us out. No fishing the last few days as the spinnaker makes us sail to fast to reel one in!
Mike has picked up his French lessons well, better than Gary and I for sure. We are all a little tired right now in our 8th day, but to be expected on this long journey. It’s important to sleep when you can, but hard to have this crazy routine. We all have our moments being together on the boat as we get on each other’s nerves now and then but we are handling any low points that may come along. What else would you expect when you have 3 ‘strong willed personalities’ (a.k.a. control freaks) living on a boat together?! We’re all 3 still on board, so that is a good thing! Bottom line is this….what an experience!!!! Honestly, how can you have a bad day when you look around and see 360 degrees of sky and sea? It’s breathtaking…
Stay tuned for more tales…Love to all.