LAND HOOOO BABY!!!!!!!!! Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We made it!!!!!!!! It is 8am local time on Hiva Oa (we think). We are 4 miles out and motoring to our anchorage. Beautiful Islands all around us. It looks like our passage time is going to be 18 days and 1 hour…..that is just outstanding! I will keep you posted….stay tuned. Love to all….
YEAH! Don’t forget to send pictures, we need updates. Maybe you aren’t going to leave land for quite some time. Hope you are having good weather and practicing your french.
Enjoy! ( how is the food?)
Oh sure you hit French Polynesia and not another word, why am I not surprised. When you get your jaws off the deck try to drop us poor stay-at-homes a crumb or two.